Weekly Portion: Vayetzei 5776 (Genesis 28:10-32:3)

This week we have the trials and tribulations of Jacob living with and working for his father-in-law, Laban. Jacob agreed to work as a shepherd 7 years for Rachel only to have Laban switch daughters on him at the marriage ceremony. This is why we have the badekin (‘covering’ ceremony) where the groom sees the face of his bride to ensure he is marrying the right woman

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Weekly Portion: Toldot (Genesis 25:19 – 28:9)

Rivka (Rebecca) gives birth to Esav (Esau) and Ya’akov (Jacob). Esav sells the birthright to Ya’akov for a bowl of lentil soup. Yitzchak (Isaac) sojourns in Gerar with Avimelech (Avimelech), king of the Philistines. Esav marries two Hittite women bringing great pain to his parents (because they weren’t of the fold). Ya’akov impersonates Esav on the counsel of his mother in order to receive the blessing

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PTO Weekly Roundup

Hi Parents, With all the major holidays behind us, the PTO’s activities are in full swing. We have started the class contest up this month, and this week was our first accounting. As with last year and as you may have seen in the flyer we sent home recently, every week, we will send out a roundup to let you know how the classes

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Weekly Portion: Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18)

Sarah dies at the age of 127. Avraham purchases a burial place for her in Hebron in the cave of Ma’arat HaMachpela. Avraham sends his servant, Eliezer, back to the “old country,” his birthplace Charan, to find a wife for Yitzhak (Isaac). Eliezer makes what appear to be very strange conditions for the matrimonial candidate to fulfill in order to qualify for Yitzhak. Rivka

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