PTO Weekly Roundup

Dear Parents,

With only one week left to go in the class contest, the kids are in serious competition mode! The week saw the 2nd grade pull ahead of the 1st grade. They are now leading by only $5! As you can see, it’s a very close race! So parents, please help your kids give whatever they can. If you would like to know where your child’s class stands, please look on the board by the office that has the chart for each class’ total.

The 2nd grade came in first place this week with a total of $20.01. The 3rd grade came in second place with $12.92. The 1st grade rounds out the top three with $0.80. The 4th and 5th grades each raised $0.01, while the Kindergarten did not have anything.

We hope all you mothers out there enjoyed your Mother’s Day and all the wonderful presents your kids brought home, including flowers sponsored by the PTO. I know it made my day extra special!

We look forward to announcing the winner of the class contest next week, but, remember, there is no losing class. The winning class will get an ice cream and pizza party, and the other classes will get ice cream as well for all their fantastic effort. So no one will come away empty handed.

Finally, be on the lookout next week for the announcement and flyer for our last event of the year.


Shabbat Shalom!

-The PTO


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